Our Services

How It Works

Our organization audits government financial records looking for hidden unclaimed funds being held by government agencies. Our mission is to reunite these funds with their rightful owners.

We Identify and Contact the Rightful Owner of Funds

Our research department combs through volumes of private and public records to identify and contact the parties, businesses, individuals, and/or estates that may have rights to unclaimed funds. This is how we found your information and contacted you.

You Become Our Client and We Get to Work for You

Once you agree to become a client of Reliance Asset Recovery, your Funds Retrieval Specialist will prepare all documents, pleadings, declarations, and affidavits required to document the rights to the money. You will receive all signed copies of the documents for your own records.

We Prepare and Submit Claims on Your Behalf and Keep You Updated

We will arrange to have the legal documents delivered to you for your signature at your convenience by a mobile notary service. The notary will then return the signed documents to our office. We will keep you updated throughout the entire process.

We Communicate and Follow Up With Governmental Agencies

Our Funds Retrieval Specialists receive and answer all correspondence and questions during the claim process to ensure that all timelines are met. As we have updates, we will keep you informed about the status of your claim every step of the way.

Your Claim Is Approved and Paid

We will notify you when the asset holder approves your claim. Once these funds are received, there may be a 30-day waiting period required before disbursement to verify that no other valid claims have been filed. Then, we’ll FedEx you a check for your money along with a detailed accounting summary and a customer survey.

Enjoy Your New Financial Freedom

You are free to use these funds however you choose—pay off debt, take a vacation, invest, or whatever you decide. In addition, the IRS categorizes this as a recovery of a lost asset, so it’s most likely that there will be no income tax implications from collecting these funds. That means you keep all your money without paying taxes on it.

You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

That can vary depending on the type and complexity of your claim or the specific rules and regulations of the specific government agency involved. The claims process can take between three and twelve (3-12) months to complete once the claim is filed. After receiving all the necessary paperwork, your Funds Retrieval Specialist will be able to provide a more accurate timeline based on your particular claim.

We will do everything possible to expedite your claim, but in many cases, there are no laws mandating when asset holders must release the assets, so the asset holder dictates the length of your wait. Remember, we operate strictly on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid if and when we’re able to collect for you.

In most cases, YES! Every claim is unique, and asset holders are regulated by a variety of different laws. Many assets we locate have fairly-narrow time windows in which you can file a claim, and some asset holders are allowed to absorb the unclaimed asset after that time period expires. When we locate assets and contact parties of interest, we inform them of any relevant claims deadlines. Whether there is a deadline or not, the claims process can be lengthy, so we advise that you get started today!

We are a registered company in the state of Georgia. Please visit https://ecorp.sos.ga.gov/BusinessSearch which is the Georgia Secretary of State’s website. Type in Reliance Asset Recovery LLC in the Business Name search and you’ll see our information listed.


Reliance Asset Recovery LLC is a private organization located in Georgia. We audit government agencies in search of difficult to find abandoned funds or unclaimed monies that belongs to private individuals, companies, and estates. Once we’ve located the funds, we make it our personal mission to unite the rightful owners of the funds with THEIR MONEY.

If we have made attempts to reach you by phone, letter, or post card, it is because we have done a recent audit and have discovered funds that may be owed to you, a family member, or your business. So, call us now at 678-203-9795 to GET YOUR MONEY!

NO. We are not a collection agency. In fact, you could say we are the opposite of a collection agency. A call from us means that we have found money or other assets that you are potentially entitled to claim. Reliance Asset Recovery LLC specializes in locating unclaimed and abandoned assets, contacting individuals and businesses with the right to claim those assets, and assisting them in completing the claims process. A call or letter from us is great news!

The phrase refers to anything owed to you or your family that you are unaware exists. There are a number of reasons you or your family could be owed money that (or which) you don’t know about. Reliance uncovers countless sources of unclaimed or lost assets, many of which remain hidden until the claiming rights expire. These asset sources include, but are not limited to:

  • Forgotten savings and checking accounts
  • Uncashed or lost checks/warrants
  • Securities
  • Royalties
  • Interest or dividend payments
    Bankruptcy case overpayment
  • Life insurance death benefits or payouts
  • Income tax refunds or overpayments
  • Property tax refunds or overpayments
  • Employee wage or pension payments
  • Inheritance payout from a deceased relative or loved one
  • Funds due the beneficiary of a loan or the creditor of a judgment
  • Many other sources

By the time we contact you, most assets have been reduced to a monetary figure and are being held by a variety of agencies or parties. Every year there are millions and millions of dollars being held by US governmental agencies in individuals’ names.

In most cases, the laws regarding these funds don’t require the party holding the assets to make more than a cursory attempt at locating the beneficiary, meaning that without our research, that money would go unclaimed and will default to the government forever.

Our services don’t cost you a penny. We’ll never ask you for money.
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